A mystical owl stretching it's wings over an open book


Start Creating

Moving the View

To pan, you can hold down the middle mouse button (mouse wheel) and drag the mouse in the desired direction. The map is infinite, so you can continue panning indefinitely. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the map. As you zoom out, the grid will eventually fade, but objects will still snap to the grid when you move or resize them. This can be helpful for getting a better overview of your map or working on smaller details.


Upon launching a game session, you will be presented with an empty document. On the left side of the screen, you will see a variety of tools. If you hover over each tool, a short description will appear explaining its function. You can either click on these tools or use a designated shortcut key to toggle them on and off.

The first tool is the line tool. To use it, simply click and drag your mouse with the left button held down. This will allow you to draw a shape. Once the shape is drawn, it will be automatically selected and a set of options will appear at the bottom of the screen. For example, you can use these options to set the fill color of the shape.

You can use the dots around the shape to resize and reposition it. These dots will snap to the grid, but you can hold down the shift key for a more precise control. Right-clicking on a dot will delete it, and double-clicking on a shape will add a point, allowing you to create more complex shapes.

Merging and Cutting

While a shape is selected, you can hold down the control key and draw a new shape to merge it with the selected shape. This can be useful for creating larger and more complex shapes. Alternatively, you can hold down the shift key while drawing a new shape to remove it from the selected shape, or hold down the ALT key to remove the walls and create a hole in the shape. For example, you could use these tools to create a door in a wall by drawing a rectangle and then holding down the ALT key to remove the wall.

Line to Shape

There is a feature in this software that allows you to convert a regular line into a street or tunnel. To do this, you need to give the line a certain width, which is measured in pixels. Each square on the grid is equal to 75 pixels, so for example you could give the line a width of 150 pixels, which would be equal to two squares. Once you have set the width, a new shape will be created along the path of the line. You can then use the options at the bottom of the detail window to assign a fill color or texture to the shape. For example, you could give the shape a grey fill color to create a grey street, or select a dirt road texture from the dropdown menu.

Sorting Elements

In addition to changing the appearance of the shape, you can also use the arrows at the top of the detail window to change the Z index of the shape. This allows you to move the shape to the front or back of the document relative to other shapes. For example, if you draw a shape over the path, you can use the arrows to move it behind the path.

Image Import

In addition to creating your own maps, Fey-Gate also allows you to import pre-made maps as images. To do this, you can simply drag and drop an image file into the document. After a short while, the image will be added to your scene, and you can move it around just like any other object. You can also see the size of the image in squares or pixels in the detail view, and use the options to resize the image. For example, if you know that the map has a certain number of squares, you can enter this value to ensure that the grid is perfectly aligned with the map. Once you have positioned the map to your liking, you can lock it, so you don't accidentally move it.


Another useful feature of Fey-Gate is the ability to use tokens, which are small images that can represent characters, monsters, or other objects in your game. To use tokens, you need to switch to the play mode, which you can do by clicking on the appropriate button at the top right of the screen or pressing the number 4 on your keyboard. Once you are in play mode, you can drag and drop an image file to create a token. These tokens can be customized in various ways, such as by assigning attributes or statistics.

To customize a token, you can click on the "Edit Stats" button at the bottom of the token window to open the token editor. Here, you can enter all the information you need for your game, such as attributes, skills, and abilities. You can also import data from a source like DND Beyond by copying the text and using the import function in the token editor. This will automatically fill in the data and apply the appropriate size to the token. With these tools, you can create and customize tokens to suit your needs.

There is a dropdown near the bottom of the detail window that allows you to see the names of all the players connected to the game. You can use this menu to assign a token to a specific player, which will allow that player to control the token and make decisions for that character or monster. The controling player can also set conditions or status effects for the token using the options in the detail window.

There is also a HP counter, which allows you to track the hit points of characters and monsters. You can click on it to enter a different value. For example, you could enter 50 to set the hit points to 50, if you write -50 instead it will subtract 50 from the current value. writing +50 will add 50 instead. You can also use the plus and minus signs to add or subtract from the current hit points.

As a player, you will be able to see your own hit points represented as a circle around your token, but you will not be able to see the hit points of other tokens unless you are the dungeon master.

A rangefinder will appear when you hover your mouse over a token a selected token. If you have a token selected you'll also see it's detail window. This window will show you the relevant information about the token, such as its attributes and abilities. You can use this information to perform actions in the game, such as rolling dice for saving throws or attacks. For example, you can click on the appropriate number to roll a saving throw or attack, and the result will be displayed in the dice log. If an action requires a saving throw the relevant attribute will be highlighted to make it easier to spot the required save.

Initiative Tracker

In Fey-Gate, there is also an initiative tracker that allows you to keep track of the order in which characters and monsters take their turns during combat. The initiative tracker will only appear once at least two characters have rolled initiative. For example, if you have a character with an initiative of 15 and a monster with an initiative of 22, the initiative tracker will appear at the top of the screen. You can use the arrows to cycle through the initiative and see which token is currently active. The active token will be highlighted, so it is easy to see whose turn it is. This can help you keep track of the flow of combat and ensure that everyone gets a chance to take their turn.


In Fey-Gate, there is also a playlist feature that allows you to select from different pre-made playlists or create your own. To use the playlist feature, you can simply select a playlist from the dropdown menu and hit the play button. This will start playing the playlist for everyone who has joined the game and clicked their own play button.

This can be a convenient way to set the atmosphere for your game or add some background music. One of the benefits of this feature is that it is free to use and does not require any accounts or special setup. Everyone streams the videos independently, so there should be no bandwidth issues.


In Fey-Gate, you also have the option to use the light mode, which allows you to add light sources to your map and control their properties. To toggle the light mode on and off, you can use the appropriate button at the top right of the screen. When the light mode is activated, you will see the regular tools reappear, and you will be able to use them to add light sources to the map.

To add a light source, you can simply click and drag your mouse to draw a shape. This shape will represent the area of the map that is illuminated by the light source. You can add multiple light sources to the map and control their properties, such as the color, intensity. For example, you can make the light source a bright white to create a strong illumination, or give it a tinted color to create a more atmospheric effect. The darker your lights color the less intense it will appear. As a player, you will only be able to see the areas of the map that are illuminated by the light sources when the light mode is active. This can be a useful tool for creating a dynamic and immersive gaming experience.

Local Files

Fey-Gate can use local files for customisation. To use this feature go to "Map/Select Data Directory" and select an empty directory. This directory will be used to store all the data for the game. You'll have to grant access to your files every time you reload Fey-Gate but once you selected a directory you can do so by clicking "Refresh Directory Access" in the main menu bar.

You may create any number of subdirectories in the directories Fey-Gate created for you to organise your data. Files which names start with either a "." or a "_" will be ignored.

Custom Textures

Once you have created your Fey-Gate directory you can add custom textures to the "textures" folder. These have to be square images in .png format. Clicking "Refresh Directory Access" again will load all textures you might have added since the last time you granted access to your files.

When saving a map using custom textures they'll be added to the map file so people can see them even if they don't have access to your files.

Custom Playlists

You'll find a file called _example.yml in the playlists folder. This file contains an example playlist. You can copy and rename it to create your own playlists following the simple format.